Event Name: Sassy! with Brandy and Whitney |
Venue Name: Revision |
Address: 219 Ave B New York NY |
Phone: (646) 490-7271 |
Frequency: Monthly |
Day: Last Wednesday |
Time: 9:30pm |
Cost: Free |
Reviews: Write your review (0) |
Google Maps: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=3093 |
Website: http://itssassycomedynight.tumblr.com/ |
Email: sassycomedytime@gmail.com |
please email sassycomedytime@gmail.com to sign up for a spot - we will confirm and book people until we the line up is full. The show is on the last Wednesday of every month.\nThe next dates are:\n4/30\n5/28\n6/25\n7/23\n8/27\n |