Event Name: UG! Audition Show |
Venue Name: One And One |
Address: 76 E. 1st St New York NY |
Phone: (212) 598-9126 |
Frequency: Weekly |
Day: Tuesday |
Time: 7:00pm |
Cost: Paid |
Reviews: Write your review (4) |
Website: https://eventbrite.com/e/ug-audition-show-tickets-787837522237?aff=ebdsshother&utm_share_source=list |
Email: jerseyferretti@gmail.com |
Info: Win a chance for spots, prizes and a chance to win your own 30 min comedy special (for the grand prize winner of the UG! competition series!!) ??Only 10 spots available. . ??Sign up via eventbrite and save 50% off the cover!) |