Event Name: Standup Comedy Open Mic |
Venue Name: Diva Club |
Address: ul. Slawkowska 6 Krakow PO |
Phone: +48 883 502 896 |
Frequency: Bi-Weekly |
Day: Sunday |
Time: 6:00pm |
Cost: Free |
Reviews: Write your review (0) |
Website: https://facebook.com/krakowstandupcomedy |
Email: krakowcomedy@gmail.com |
Info: If you would like to perform on stage, just post "spot please" in the EVENT DISCUSSION for Open Mic in our Facebook Group; Spots are limited and we will post the names of the comics who made the final cut between the evening of Friday of Sunday. To secure your spot, ???? SHARE THE EVENT ON AT LEAST 1 OF YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS ???? and please arrive no later than 17:30; after this time spots will be open to people on the WAITING LIST and WALK-INS. |